
Micro Processor Group (MPG), is an extracurricular embedded systems group offered by Engenuics across universities in Canada.

Focuses on learning how to implement and use low level peripheral drivers for Embedded Systems. 
With less abstraction from software, such as an Operating System, MPG participants in SFU, learn the fundamentals of how to develop drivers for Embedded Microcontrollers, industrial standard protocols, such as USB, SPI, I2C, I2S, CAN among others. 

Past projects have included USB HID keyboards, Pong, Wireless communication with ANT, etc

MPG is in its 2nd year at Simon Fraser University, and we are constantly seeking new ways to expand our activities with Embedded Systems. 
MPG students are offered  development boards from Engenuics at a discount price.


When ever you are introduced to a new board first you should always look carefully the external hardware of the board, that is, all the peripherals, input and output pins (IO pins), microprocessor, storage and communication ports. After doing so, you should go online and search the data sheet and instruction set for the microprocessor on the board as well as for a compatible IDE for programming. With these fundamentals, you are ready to work with any board in the world!
— Ahmed Medhioub
I had a great time learning, teaching fellow colleagues and sharing ideas in creating interesting programs using the ARM7 board
— Kush Chhatbar